Wednesday, November 2, 2011

These are the voyages of...

Hello dear friends! Welcome to my blog!
My name is Amanda Sever and I am a 22 year old from Tempe, Arizona. This past May I graduated from Arizona State University with a BA in English Literature and a minor in Business and I will be shortly leaving for Tokyo, Japan for a one-year internship with Campus Crusade for Christ called STINT.  This blog will keep track of my adventures there and (hopefully!) beyond.  Since this is my first post, I'll explain a little more about who I am.

First things first, I guess.  The most important thing is that I love Jesus and it is my desire to follow Him in everything I do.  I am continually learning what it means to be in a relationship with Him and experience His love in my life.  Even though I mess up a lot and get things wrong, I know that His grace has me covered.  It makes me really excited to think about how I will grow in my relationship with Him and how I will get to know Him better as time goes on.  I can't think of anything better.  

Second thing.  Stories are my passion.  I adore books and reading and words.

The best moments in reading are when you come across something - a thought, a feeling, a way of looking at things - which you had thought special and particular to you. And now, here it is, set down by someone else, a person you have never met, someone even who is long dead. And it is as if a hand has come out, and taken yours. 
-Alan Bennett

I also really enjoy TV shows and movies because they're stories, too, just as much as books are.  Character development is my favorite thing ever, and I love seeing the relationships between characters.  I'm a big sci-fi and fantasy fan, and I like to watch crime shows.  Some of my favorite books and shows are as follows in no particular order:

Lord of the Rings-absolute favorite. so. good.
Chronicles of Narnia
Redwall series
Harry Potter
Artemis Fowl

Star Trek: TOS and TNG-HUGE fan.  I wrote my thesis for the Barrett Honors College on Star Trek. :)
Horatio Hornblower
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2k3 series)
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Boston Legal
Doctor Who
Random British Television

If you talk to me about any of these, I will probably get really excited and then spend quite a long time talking about the different relationships between characters and how I see different characters and why they are great (or not great) and how various things relate to what is happening in the world and what that means and how all of this is REALLY IMPORTANT.  Among other things.  

Those are probably the most important things about me.  I like to play volleyball, and just be active in general.  I like to be outside, but I'm pretty much a city girl.  I can, on occasion, be funny.  I tend to be shy and I'm quiet, especially in groups, but that can change with a little bit of time.  I'm an introvert.  I procrastinate a lot.  I read fanfiction a lot.  I like food, especially my dad's cooking.  I also like coffee.  And ice cream.  I really like spending time with my friends and talking about God and life and why I wish Vulcans were real.  If you want to know more about me, ask me!  Or hang out with me.  Which might be hard while I'm in Japan.  But maybe when I'm not in Japan, we should hang out sometime.  That's all for now.  My goal for this blog is to update it every other week, so hopefully that will actually happen.  Coming next: why I'm actually going to Japan!  

Thanks for reading!

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